Hier even mijn verhaal van onze 1ste vis reis naar Ierland.
We zijn op vrijdagochtend om 05.00 vertrokken van de Floraronde en per vliegtuig vertrokken naar Dublin. Het inchecken en Douane ging verassend goed en we hadden geen issues ondanks de lange verwachte doorlooptijden op Schiphol door een tekort aan personeel in he algemeen.
De vliegreis ging super goed en voordat we het wisten waren we al in Dublin waar we meteen op de luchthaven de huur bus hebben opgehaald. Marc (onze nieuwe penningmeester) was de chauffeur die meteen in het diepe gegooid werd omdat hij links moest rijden natuurlijk. Hij deed dat goed en veilig, wat ons in het begin wel verraste, we hadden wel enige deuken verwacht aan de bus die overigens al flink gedeukt was door de vorige bestuurders, waarschijnlijk Nederlanders…..
Aangekomen op de vis bestemming waar we ons moesten melden en door een foute boeking we niet konden overnachten, hebben kennis gemaakt met de baas die ons vervolgens naar onze locatie bracht waar we mochten overnachten en ver van de bootjes en vis stek. Het was een mooi 4* spa hotel wat wel wat van de pijn verzachte, we hadden toch liever dicht bij de vis stek willen overnachten.
We hebben niet echt goed gevangen, Eric had de grootste snoek (75 CM) en ik zelf de meeste deze reis. Eric is als eerste geëindigd en ik als tweede, waar we beide een mooie ballon voor hebben gekregen, die foto’s staan op de site.
De locatie was wat mij betreft TOP! Mooi water en veel potentieel, mits je de goede week kiest, we waren net 3-4 weken te laat…..Het liep niet….
De lokale Aldi heeft goede zaken gedaan, eten was goed en alles was er voor iedereen.
We zijn 2 x uit eten geweest en hebben genoten van de Ierse tenderloin die heel erg smakelijk was….wel duur maar super lekker!
De terug reis van het hotel naar de luchthaven was snel en ging voorspoedig, eenmaal op de luchthaven de auto terug gegeven en met de pendelbus naar de vertrekhal waar we bijna 2 uur hebben moeten wachten op de check-in war resulteerde in het feit dat we net op tijd aan boord waren, geen tijd gehad om voor de dames een cadeautje te kopen helaas….De terugreis ging voorspoedig en we zijn allemaal weer heel thuis gekomen.
Als ik voor mijzelf spreek heb ik een top week gehad en voor mij gaan we dit snel weer overdoen in Ierland maar dan wel wanneer het loopt….
Snoekvissen in Ierland 2022
Na meerdere afzeggingen vanwege Covid 19 en een haastig geplande tussentijdse reis naar Zweden begint het er eindelijk op de lijken dat we deze keer echt naar Ierland gaan. Iets waar de mannen enorm naar uitkijken. Komende zaterdag komen we dan ook bij elkaar om de reis door te spreken.
Het was vorige week enorm spannend omdat de organisatie in Ierland helaas ons van de lijst had gehaald en onze accommodatie heeft weggegeven maar dankzij de eigenaar in Ierland hebben we toch, voor zover wij kunnen inschatten, een prima alternatief aangeboden gekregen.

Weliswaar 10 minuten rijden van waar we oorspronkelijk zouden zitten maar dat mag de pret niet deren

Dus de vliegreis is geboekt, de accommodatie is in orde en de huurauto staat voor ons klaar op Dublin Airport. Ook de visgids is nu rond dus we hoeven hier in Nederland alleen nog onze visspullen na te lopen en in te pakken en 20 mei op naar Ierland.

Zaterdag 30 april komen we nog even bij elkaar om de reis te bespreken en te zorgen dat iedereen van de laatste zaken op de hoogte is. Altijd gezellig met een drankje en een hapje en daarna is het aftellen.

Aangezien onze nieuwe accommodatie op een Spa-Golf resort ligt zou het best kunnen zijn dat we naast het vissen misschien nog een balletje gaan slaan of een sauna pakken. We gaan het zien en we hebben er allemaal heel erg veel zin in.

Na vele jaren vissen in Zweden gaan we nu eindelijk eens naar een ander land om te kijken of we daar ook succes hebben. Wel nog even met de mannen afstemmen of we gaan voor de hoeveelheid snoeken of voor de grootste snoek. Gaat Frans voor de derde keer op rij de grootste snoek vangen? Het gaat spannend worden want het water is anders, het weer is anders, de diepte is anders, de taal is anders en je kunt er ook met euro’s betalen.
Pff wat een veranderingen maar wel erg leuk……..
Op naar een topweek in Ierland en we houden je op de hoogte.
Groet, Ton
Carafin Lodge eerste voor Cordestravel plek
Filmje Ierland : https://youtu.be/6a6IcFoQtu0
- Ierland Carafin Lodge http://cordestravel.nl/carafin-lodge-snoekvissen-ierland
Het wordt niet 22 mei 2020 t/m 29 mei 2020 en Ierland de nieuwe data na Corona

D. KILLASHANDRA, CAVAN/BUTLERSBRIDGE ANGLING CENTRES The thriving county town of Cavan, its industrious neighbour Killashandra to the west and Butlersbridge on the Annalee are located in the middle Erne, an area long recognised as a prime pike angling destination. The area has recently been designated an ‘Anglers Welcome’ hub by Fáilte Ireland Fáilte Ireland – The National Tourism Development Authority are introducing an initiative called ‘Anglers Welcome’. The aim of the initiative is to raise the standard of service anglers can expect from their angling holiday in Ireland. Responding to the needs of anglers a series of ‘Anglers Welcome’ charters have been developed. These charters cover; Angling Guides, Accommodation, Pubs & Dining, Visitor Attractions, Retail Premises and Charter Skippers. Each charter contains a series of ‘service promises’ and a commitment to offering you, the angler, a pleasant and enjoyable ‘Anglers Welcome’ experience. So look out for the ‘Anglers Welcome’ logo as you travel around Ireland and be assured of a warm welcome with information aplenty and of course, good fishing! LOUGH OUGHTER Lough Oughter is the principal pike angling resource for the above angling centres and covers an area of circa 844 hectares. This lake offers very good pike fishing with many pike over 30lbs recorded annually. There is a huge network of lakes offering excellent bank and boat fishing and there are a number of well established pike angling locations on this water including Trinity and Killykeen, Inishconnell (Rann), Killygoan and Flynn’s Pass, Inismuck, The Derries, Eonish and Tullyguide.
1. Trinity and Killykeen shores are located approximately 7km west of Cavan town. Trinity is the least known and least fished of these two venues and is generally overlooked by anglers heading to the famous Killykeen stretch. It is located at the inflow of the River Erne and offers good pike angling opportunities at certain times of the year.
2. Killykeen has approximately 1km of open shoreline which is easily fished by the bank fisherman. Depths at this location are generally in the region of 4-5m with a maximum of 9m but rarely exceed 2m south of the boathouse. Good parking is available within easy walking distance of the lake shore. One of the best pike areas is off the “green bank” which is located immediately above the footbridge upstream of the short river stretch which connects the Killykeen and Eonish basins. This area holds a good stock of small to medium sized pike but good numbers of fish in excess of 20lbs are recorded annually from this location. The area has also produced pike in excess of 30lbs. There is pedestrian access to the Killashandra stretch by way of a footbridge.
3. Inishconnell and Rann shorelines are located 7km east of Cavan town and 2km north of Killykeen Forest Park. These shores are popular pike fishing locations. Inishconnell to the south has good roadside access to extensive areas of open shoreline. This location holds good stocks of small to medium sized pike but good numbers of fish in excess of 20lbs are recorded annually. The water is not as deep as at Killykeen with depths generally in the 2 to 3m range interspersed by some deeper areas. Boats can be launched from either of the two slipways located on this stretch. This gives access to the opposite bank at Rann and the entirety of the Lough Oughter system. The Rann shoreline to the north can be accessed by road from Killashandra but provides limited bank fishing space.
4. Killygoan Lake and Flynn’s Pass are located approximately 3km north east of Inisconnell and are accessed by a roadway on the western shore of Killygoan Lake. Flynn’s Pass is the channel connecting the basins of Killygoan and Inishmore and has good access for the bank fisherman. These locations offer good pike fishing and the opportunity to explore some of the more secluded parts of Lough Oughter. Good numbers of pike from 10 to 20lbs are recorded annually. A boat may be launched near the southern end of Killygoan but permission should be sought from the local landowner in advance.
5. Inishmuck is the large basin located 4.5km north of Killykeen Forest Park. It is connected to the main body of Lough Oughter by a narrow river channel which enters the basin in the south east. This location holds good stocks of small to medium sized pike but good numbers of larger fish are recorded annually. Access to extensive stretches of open shoreline at the southern end of the lake is available from Carratraw Bridge. Car parking is also available close to this bridge. Access to the northern part of the basin is via Inishmuck Island which is reached from the mainland by a causeway leading to a lakeshore road. This gives access to a long stretch of clean open shoreline. Depths in this area range from 3 to 5m. Boat launching facilities are private or with landowner’s permission only.
6. The Derries are located 5km south east of Killashandra off the R199 Killashandra to Cavan road. This location holds good stocks of small to medium sized pike with numbers of 10 to 15lbs fish recorded annually. Access is from a lakeside road with car parking available at several locations along the roadway. It is possible to launch a boat at this location with permission from the householder opposite the slipway. This stretch is generally shallow with depths of 1 to 3m being the norm. Deeper water up to 4m is located at the point opposite the car park.
7. Eonish basin and Tullyguide Lake (8) are located 4km north east of Killashandra and share a common access point off the Killashandra to Milltown road. Collectively these waters hold good stocks of small to medium sized pike with numbers of larger fish recorded annually. The northern shore of the Eonish basin is generally 3 to 5m in depth but is much shallower at the western and eastern extremities. The southern shoreline (Gartnanoul) is also shallow but has deeper water west of the sandy point along the wooded shoreline. Boats can be launched from a number of locations in this area including, the roadside slipway on the northern shore and the sandy point on the southern shore. Anglers must liaise with Coillte to obtain vehicle access to the Sandy Point.
8.Tullyguide is a small water connected to the main Oughter complex by the Castle River and can provide good sport for small to medium sized pike. Fishing is from a clean bank within easy reach of roadside access. The lake can be reached by boat via the Castle River. SATELLITE PIKE WATERS IN THE CAVAN AND KILLASHANDRA AREA
9. Town Lake is located north of Killashandra Town. This small water covers an area of 31 hectares, has depths to 10m and regularly produces good catches of small to medium sized pike. A popular coarse angling venue it contains a good head of fodder fish. There is easy access to a clean shore from a car park off the Killashandra to Milltown Road. A facility for anglers who are wheelchair users and a boat slipway are provided at this venue. 11.
10. Bawn Lake is located a short distance south of Killashandra on the R201 Killashandra to Carrigallen road. This small lake contains stocks of small to medium sized pike and has been developed for pike and coarse angling. Fishing is from the clean shoreline on the northern bank. Limited parking is available.
11. en 12. Disert and Derreskit (12) Lakes are located on the Cullies River system 2km west of Killashandra. Disert is only fishable by boat and is accessed from the town lake via the river. Derreskit lake has limited bank fishing space and permission must be obtained from the local landowner (enquire locally). These lakes produce good catches of small to medium sized pike but fish in excess of 20lbs have been recorded from Derreskit. Access and parking at Derreskit by permission.
13.Lough Inchin is located 5km north west of Cavan town. This small shallow lake, 35 hectares, contains good stocks of small to medium sized pike from 10 to 15 lbs with larger fish being taken occasionally. This lake is best fished from a boat owing to the limited availability of bank space. Access is from the lakeside road which has limited parking. Anglers should consult with the landowner regarding access to the lake.
14. Swellan lake is located in Cavan Town and has limited bank fishing space.
15. Farnham Lake is on the course of the Cavan River close to the town and may only be fished by permission of the owners. Contact +353 (0) 49 437 7700 16 Derrygid Lake downstream from Farnham is best fished from a boat. Anglers should consult with the landowner at the nearby farmhouse for access. 17. Lavey Lake located alongside the N3 10km south of Cavan town has lakeside parking and is easily fished from the roadside shore.